The River Annan
The River Annan Trust & District Salmon Fishery Board

River Annan DSFB
Consultation on wild fisheries reform in Scotland
In January 2014, the First Minister announced that a Wild Fisheries Review would be undertaken during 2014.
The aims of the review were to:
develop and promote a modern, evidence-based management system for wild fisheries fit for purpose in the 21stcentury, and capable of responding to the changing environment
to manage, conserve and develop our wild fisheries to maximise the sustainable benefit of Scotland’s wild fish resources to the country as a whole and particularly to rural areas
On 8 October 2014, the review submitted its final report and recommendations to the Minister for Environment and Climate Change.
The responses submitted by the River Annan & District Salmon Fishery Board can be found below:
The River Annan response to the wild fisheries review can be found here
The River Annan response to the consultation on proposed conservation measures to introduce a licensing system for killing wild salmon in Scotland can be found here
The River Annan response to the revised consultation on proposed conservation measures to introduce a licensing system for killing wild salmon in Scotland can be found here
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