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Fisheries Office
Annandale Estates, St Ann's
Tel: 01576 470600

Mobile: 07710331079

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Improving Access for Anglers & River Users

The access project is run through the River Annan Trust to provide easy access down to and along the riverbank for anglers and members of the public. Apex Scotland, an organisation that helps ex-offenders and young people and adults at risk, provide a volunteer workforce to carry out this work under the guidance of the River Annan Trust.

This project began in June 2012 and has so far provided access to most of the upper Annan through the building of styles, bridges and walkways as well as maintaining pathways. For a number of years the upper reaches of the river has been fairly over grown making angling access very difficult in many areas and impossible for visiting anglers without knowledge of the river or the area. Over the years a small number of dedicated anglers from local angling clubs have taken the initiative and built some styles and done some grass cutting and tree trimming to help provide some access for fishermen. However, the river is not there purely for anglers to enjoy and access should also be considered for local residents, dog walkers, nature watchers and other members of the public.

With the help of Apex volunteers our aim is to provide footpaths to and along the riverbank giving access over fences with the use of styles and gates and to install bridges and walkways over wet areas and streams as well as maintaining the footpath through grass cutting and the coppicing of trees.

To complete this project it will of course take time and once the initial structures are in place there will be the need for continuous grass cutting and maintenance to keep the pathways open.

Access project

This bridge was built to cross the Fishbeck burn near Applegarth wildlife sanctuary and as well as providing a crossing point for anglers it now links an existing footpath used by local residents for dog walking and nature watching.

Access project

One of the many styles which have been constructed to give safe access over fences on the riverbank.

New path

Before: This is the access to the lower beat of the Annandale Estates water. There is a deep drainage ditch at the front of the picture

New path

After: This short bridge was built over the drainage ditch on the Annandale Estates water which was previously unseen due to the height of the vegetation.

New path

A footpath restored linking the Fishbeck burn bridge with the angler’s car park near Applegarth wildlife sanctuary.

Apex Trust - Access Project

© 2018 by River Annan Trust

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